Rafael Alfaro Rafael Alfaro

Washington & Columbia River Gorge Elopement / Adventure Elopement Photographer & Videographer

As was the case for most 2020 weddings, Rachel & Andrew’s plans started as a big ol’ wedding that they will eventually still celebrate in that big way, but the way it happened in the end felt SO RIGHT. It was a beautiful August day in Washington, the sun was shinning bright as Andrew’s father picked fresh green beans from their back yard garden for their special dinner. They held their ceremony in the midst of tall pines adorned with framed photos of all their family who couldn’t be physically present. These same pine trees that hosted many bonfires and s’mores nights for Andrew’s family.

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Rafael Alfaro Rafael Alfaro

Kualoa Ranch Wedding | Teal + Alexey

She's from Hawaii, he's from Russia, and they first met in Beijing! Our own words can't begin to describe how beautiful and unique their story is and how honored we are to tell it. We would like for you to hear it from them yourself, the union of two cultures coming together as one.

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Rafael Alfaro Rafael Alfaro

Rainy Day Straus Home Ranch Wedding

Pure magic. That's what we felt both on the wedding day at Straus Home Ranch, and during their pre-shoot in Yosemite Valley... internally freaking out a little bit as we watched our camera screens and realized how epic, how beautiful these moments were. It's those times we just become very silent on the wedding day, as to not disturb what is unfolding.

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